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Database Design Testimonials: Excellent, good, and evil remarksI frequently get database design testimonials from my visitors to this site.Most of them I enjoy, but some are really demanding. Some show deep skills, some just reveal a person who should never have entered into our business (Read: Completely stupid: Sorry about that, but it's true.) I have no chance of answering every message, but feedback is appreciated, all the time. Thank you, if you'll take the time, in a busy DB world. I thought I would share some of the feedback with you. I basically get two kinds of feedback: General viewpoints on my site, and comments from my ref cursor survey. First, a few general database design testimonials:
Colin, my site is written for people like you, who are able to THINK for themselves, rather than just accepting what vendors are trying to push onto you as "new and revolutionary" stuff. Thankfully, many DB people are actually very able to THINK for themselves, which makes me even more happy. Very glad you like my site.
Thank you, Pete. Good to see that a fellow old-timer enjoys it. I've been in this business for 31 years myself.
Can't do that, Desmond; I use secure ClickBank payment as my sole payment method. But the thought of sending me money is really good...
Thank you. Yes, it is good to get reasonable explanations on difficult subjects.
Absolutely. Just sign up for my free newsletter. You will then also get download access to my free ebook on Entity Relationship Modeling Principles. It's a special page where I also share drafts for new things to come with my subscribers. Currently, I am working on an ebook on primary keys.
Thanks, Neil. I enjoyed writing it. Actually, the diagram is clickable and it sends you into The Universe.
Are you crazy? Free publicity? Thank you, ma'm!
Thank you, David, and best of luck to you. My blog history (I had to stop it because of time constraints) can be found at ItToolbox.com.
Answer to that one: I use Oracle Designer.
Having a bad day? FYI: The "seconds war" lasted from 1939 to 1945... If databases and Java are sh*t, as you explain, why can't you just use some cards of paper, as you say? I have to agree with one of your points, though: "Time to change idiot!". Now you are definitely in the driver's seat...
You are not: There is an old Chinese saying: "He who knows, and knows that he knows, is wise:
Follow him. You are definitely not in the last category: Stay tuned.
The same to you, Vikas.
I will.
Guys like you makes it worth while.
My man... Ref cursor commentsI get quite a few comments about the two lessons I have written on how to define a ref cursor, and how to access it from Java. Not exactly database design testimonials, but more like responses to these two special lessons. Actually, both pages are ranked high in all the major search engines, so a lot of people are visiting that section every day. Here are some comments and testimonials:
I rock? Can't wait to show this to my kids.
Thank you, Leo.
Thank you, Jim.
Exactly what I had in mind when I wrote it.
I'm not sure on how to write it easier.
Great! In my own company, we write everything in J2EE using ref cursors to return result sets to the Java modules. It works perfect. There will soon be more stuff on that in the Application Architecture section.
Hyperlinks? Really?
Like implicit/explicit cursors? Dynamic SELECT? I try to focus on the DB design side, not SW. But maybe in the future. However: most people searching for ref cursor in Google will land on my page(s): I am ranked somewhere in Google's top 10 spots for it :-)
Is that all you can say? Decent? :-)
That's more like it. Thank YOU.
Well, now you know :-) Ref cursors in packages (and packages themselves) are very powerful performance-enhancing mechanisms. OK: Enough of those database design testimonials and comments, good or evil. But it was great fun reading through them, though. And be warned: New database design testimonials may be added at any time. Maybe yours? :-) I just wanted to share some of the opinions I have received. As you can tell, many of them are very positive. However, I get quite a few that I cannot please: This site is not a programming manual, but I hope you appreciate the info on database design contained herein. |
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"I just stumbled accross your site looking for some normalization theory and I have to say it is fantastic.
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I have been in the database field for 10+ years and I have never before come across such a useful site. Thank you for taking the time to put this site together." Mike, USA |
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