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MySQL stored procedures:
Enhance standardization, performance and code reuse

MySQL stored procedures are program units that are not only stored, but executed on the MySQL server. They are, for the most part, logic that has been removed from the application and placed on the database server. Once called from an application over a distributed network, MySQL stored procedures provide a means of interacting in a prescribed way with the database without placing any additional traffic on the network.

Databases like Microsoft SQL and Oracle have included stored procedures for years, but they are relatively new to MySQL (MySQL 5.0).

Why go to the trouble of extracting logic from your application, putting it into a different format, and and placing it on the database server? There are several advantages to doing so. Here is a (incomplete) list of some of the most commonly sited advantages:

  • As alluded to above, MySQL stored procedures can greatly cut down on the amount of traffic going back and forth over your network.
  • Stored procedures can greatly improve the security of your database server. SQL that is executed on the server is not subject to SQL injection attacks.
  • Stored procedures provide a way to abstract and separate data access routines from the business logic of your application.
  • Stored procedures allow these routines to be accessed by programs using different platforms and API's, and make your applications more portable.
MySQL stored procedures are written in the MySQL stored program language, which is ANSI SQL:2003 compliant. It has a block structure similar to Oracle PL/SQL and IBM DB2 SQL.

It is full featured, with statements used to manipulate variables, conditional execution, iterative processing and error handling. MySQL stored procedures can accept parameters from the calling program, and can send a result back. SQL is integrated directly into the procedural code, using standard syntax.

Stored procedures can be created directly from the MySQL command line in much the same way as a table or other database object.

Let's take a look at a simple example. Suppose we had a website for history buffs, and we wanted to have a little section on our homepage where we would list notable events that occurred on that date throughout history. We want to automate this section so that it updates automatically each day. We'll create a simple table to store the events for each day:

MySQL Stored Procedures

We'll put some entries in for the date of November 8 and 9, so that the output of our table looks like this:

MySQL Stored Procedures

Now we'll create a stored procedure to execute the necessary SQL and return our result set for a given date. For readability I will present the code as text here:

MySQL Stored Procedures

MySQL stored procedures can be created from the MySQL command line, but this quickly becomes impractical as procedures get longer and more complex. Below is a view of our stored procedure being created in the MySQL query browser. This program, which is available from MySQL for free, provides a convenient way to create and edit stored programs and other database objects.

It provides the skeleton code for a new stored procedure, and you can save your code to a file, create the stored procedure, and test your code from the Query view. The query browser also offers a graphical representation of all your schemata, and allows you to perform many database management chores in point and click style.

MySQL Stored Procedures

Let's go through the lines of code one at a time:

  1. The first line of code sets a delimiter for ending the stored procedure. The default delimiter for MySQL commands is the semicolon, but semicolons are used inside stored procedures at the the end of statements. The '$$' sign is commonly used to signal the end of the program.
  2. The DROP PROCEDURE statement deletes the procedure if you are editing an existing program.
  3. The CREATE PROCEDURE command names the procedure (events2) and establishes the name and type of parameters that the procedure will accept, if any. This procedure accepts an IN parameter named 'in_date' which has the data type varchar(20). IN parameters are the default in MySQL stored procedures, so the 'IN' designation is not necessary here. Any modifications that occur to an IN parameter inside of a stored procedure are not visible to the calling program. OUT parameters can be initialized by the calling program and sent to the stored procedure, and then sent back to the calling program in a modified state.
  4. The procedural code of the program is contained in a bock that begins with the BEGIN statement and ends at the END statement.
  5. SQL statements are placed inside of stored procedures using the same syntax as at the MySQL command line.
  6. The procedure is ended with END$$, then the delimiter is set back to the default semicolon.
  7. This prevents confusion when commands are from the command line after executing a stored procedure.
After saving the procedure to a file (I've called mine sim_proc.sql), you can create the stored procedure from the MySQL command line or the query browser Query view with the following command:

MySQL Stored Procedures

After creating the MySQL stored procedure you can try it out from the command line or the MySQL query browser in this way:

MySQL Stored Procedures

The result is the set of rows having the date 11/08.

The following code creates a stored procedure that makes use of a cursor to loop through the result set. This allows the opportunity to execute some SQL and do some processing with the output of the select statement at each iteration of the loop.

In this case we simply insert each row into a temporary table and then display the contents of that table at the end. This code can be copied and pasted into the MySQL query browser:

MySQL Stored Procedures

As you can see, variables in MySQL stored procedures must be declared, along with their data type. The two other structures added here, the loop and the IF/THEN statement should be familiar to anyone who does programming in a procedural language.

The IF/THEN statement makes use of the HANDLER that sets the variable 'done' to a value of 1 when there are no more rows to add to the result set, and the loop is exited.

Let's take a look at the output of this procedure. This time we'll select events from November 9:

MySQL Stored Procedures

This is all well and good but it doesn't get our output into a web page. The following PHP script, which I have named events2.php, calls the events2 stored procedure, sends the IN parameter '11/08' to the stored procedure, and prints the results to the browser.

It does this through the use of methods provided by the mysqli extension of MySQL.

MySQL Stored Procedures

When using mysqli, you must call it when connecting to the database. The code then creates prepared statements to call the events2 stored procedure which can be reused as many times as needed. The IN parameter is designated as a string in this case and associated with the 'in_date' variable name from the stored procedure. In this case the value of the string is '11/08'. (One further benefit of using prepared statements is that they protect your application from SQL injection attacks.) In a live rendition of this code the IN parameter value can be obtained by selecting the current date from MySQL and then using the date_format() function to extract the month and day. Here is the result of our code rendered in a browser:

MySQL Stored Procedures

So there is an introduction to the world of MySQL stored procedures. Stored procedures can provide many benefits for you as an application developer or a DBA.

There are many more possible uses for them than can be demonstrated here. There is a lot of good information at the MySQL website.

One good book on the topic is MySQL Stored Procedure Programming by Guy Harrison with Steve Feuerstein, O'Reilly. Feuerstein is a well reknowned author on Oracle stored procedures as well as MySQL stored procedures, and I personally recommend his books.

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